Regular Feature

Greetings from the Outskirts of Kyoto vol.43

INOUE Shōichi (Director-General)
May 22, 2024

I am sometimes asked to play the piano in public. The requests dried up when Covid was rampant. But we are over the worst of the infection. Piano-related requests are coming in again.

I am very grateful, although I can’t help thinking that those requests are wasted on one who started playing in his middle years.

It is very satisfying, nonetheless. More than anything, these requests inspire me to practice. Get in touch and I will do my best to respond. And apologies for using this newsletter to advertise myself.

I am also asked to speak at research meetings, or public lectures. I have often thought that I would like to reply, “Sorry, I have a piano recital on that day. I can’t help you on this occasion. Please forgive me.”

It hasn’t happened yet, but is a dream of mine. So, do get in touch!